Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And to think I slept thru all of this....Anne apparently felt that Jamie needed to welcome her birthday in style around midnight last night

I'm hoping the neighbor monitor, Mr. Johnson was as asleep as I was....He may wonder about our family...I'm thinking a hose and the evening gown?? I guess if you want to dance in the rain, you can make it happen!

How to choose from a pile of puppies?

I can hardly believe our first baby girl is 18 years old today! Jamie has been such a joy and we're excited to see where God leads her in the coming years. She is finishing her 2nd year of Mt Hood Community College and officially graduating from high school June 12th.

We had lots of fun today as Jamie got to pick out her new puppy. Nana, she and I went to our friends home where the Mama dog Bailey (pictured here) was looking very content with her 8 pups. Parents are both purebred, but Bailey is quite blonde and the most petite Golden Retriever's I've seen. Jamie chose one of the little girls but hasn't decided on a name yet. She can bring her home July 10th. Krissy is sitting at the table with Jamie now trying to coax the name out of her :o) She is suggesting Lisa at the moment. Ok, Blogger has a mind of it's own and apparently has decided that you only need to see the mama dog right won't let me post a 2nd photo for anything. SO....until my next blog (hopefully immediately after posting this!)