Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Jamie!!!  

Little sister Krissy's enthusiasm even got daddy up for an early birthday party this afternoon.  As soon as Krissy arrived home, she and I got ready to go and get balloons.  Of course we came home with more than I planned on.....Krissy isn't about to throw a party without hats, horns, etc. etc.  A little while ago, I forgot I had my party hat on when I answered the door for Benjamin's formula delivery....oh well....if he could ignore it, so could I.

Krissy wanted lots and lots of people at Jamie's party, but in reality we had about 15 minutes and just planned on this little celebration between them since Krissy will be in bed by the time kids get home from CYT classes tonight.  What a fun surprise when Aunt Mindy and cousins Aubrey and Trent came by with beautiful flowers for Jamie.  We talked them into staying to party with us.  We're planning on celebrating again later this evening with a mexican meal and ice cream cake. 

Jamie got 100% on her permit test, so that was a happy way to celebrate.  She even drove some back streets after we left DMV. She will be a good driver. It's been a good day!

Probably more pictures later.....Love Janelle 

Happy Birthday Jamie... Has it really been 17 years? Jamie brought us so much joy the day she was born...and that is still true today. A gift from God that continues to bless our family! 

We enjoyed looking thru her baby book this morning (see photo).  She and I are heading out to DMV soon for her to take the test for her permit...then out to lunch together.  Krissy and I are planning a party for her this afternoon before the 'big kids' go to CYT.  Krissy will be in bed by the time they get home...it's ok...she wouldn't like the Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip ice cream cake we ordered anyway...Krissy's a strictly 'vanilla girl'. 

Benjamin still at home but am considering sending him back to school soon.  He's feeling fine...I'm just a little nervous.  He's one happy little boy these days.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Benjamin update/Seussical

Hi~ Benjamin is doing better.  He came home from the hospital late Thursday afternoon.  We were a little worried for awhile, but he seems to be feeling pretty good now and eating well too. He's on an antibiotic so hopefully that will help him stay well.

It's been pretty non-stop since then.  We took Krissy to see the final dress rehearsal of Seussical on Thursday evening.  She was so good and sat thru the whole thing without being disruptive. It's such a cute show and kept her interest up.  It helped that David, Jamie and Anne are on stage so much.  On Friday morning, I was let into the church at 9:15 after dropping Jamie off at Mt. Hood.  I needed to get the refreshment area set up and decorated.  By 11 or so, I was done and headed to Costco for the last minute shopping for the show.  Then back home to spend some time with the little kids before leaving for the theater again about 4 pm.  It was a really fun opening night with a party following.  Friends of ours offered to take our 3 kids home with them for the night (up to Washougal!) so that was a gift for me as I didn't have to stay until the party got over (at midnight).  Larry left about 10:30 for work, so I came home to a quiet house.  I had Saturday morning here, then back to Costco for more food before arriving at the church about 1:45.  The 3pm show went well and around 6, I left for Vancouver's show (they opened this weekend too).  Well both 205 and I-5 were parking lots...amazing traffic jams.  I got to the theater about 7:20 and then was so tired, it didn't matter how great the show was, I needed to get home.  So at intermission I left, with the Wrights willing to bring the 3 kids home later.  On Sundays when we have a show, they have a worship time for the kids and parents prior to call time.  It was really a good time together with some thought provoking words from scripture and a wonderful time of music. I continue to be so thankful for this group of friends we have thru CYT and the leadership that cares about these kids far beyond their acting or singing abilities.    Then round 3 of Seussical at 3pm, followed by pictures, followed by a short birthday celebration for Jamie in the green room.  Finally home about 7:30 and feel fine, but really ready to drop.  

Thanks for praying us thru last week....we so hope Benjamin can stay well now for awhile.  I can't believe we just have a week until Disneyland with Krissy.  The show closes Sunday and we plan to leave Monday morning.  She is extremely excited.  So are we.

Love Janelle 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Happy Wednesday....it's happier than Monday and Tuesday, anyway!  As you can see, Benjamin is sitting up some today after sleeping away much of the past 2 days.  He was rather determined to find a button on the IV pump that would provide music with the light show.  I have to watch that boy!

I had the nurse call me at 5:30 this morning and by 5:59 I was rolling out of the parking lot, heading for home to have some time with Krissy before school.  Benjamin was asleep when I left and I knew Larry would be over when he finished work.  I got home and I think the 'normal morning' routine was helpful for Krissy.  She's been pretty edgy and I think the change in routine with my being in the hospital, etc. tends to amplify her issues.  We had a good time...she got in the shower and got shampoo'd without a fuss.  She wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese (again) today, but she already got to go on Sunday.  I did tell her that Daddy would take her out for ice cream tonight, so she is happy to have that to look forward to.

On my way back up here, I dropped about 40 lbs of gummy bears off at my friend Teri's house to package up for the show Friday night (Thank you!!)  Such a relief to have that taken care of.  With Benjamin's illness, we weren't going to be doing any food repackaging at our house anyway, even though we wear gloves to do it.  I was in the car coming back when Larry called and said the pediatrician's had just arrived in Benj's room and wondered if I wanted him to put them on speaker phone.  Ah, the technology.  But I said "no"...it felt alittle overwhelming to try and do that and drive at the same time.  Good thing, because he told me when I got here that they suggested putting an NG tube down to feed him.  I said "did you tell them 'over my dead body'??"  This is NOT going to happen.  Benjamin always knows when he feels like eating and he'll do it when he's ready.  Then they ordered a GI consult and the MD hasn't been in yet, but I hear they want to do a barium study tomorrow at 9;30.  Probably not.  He acts like he has a stomach bug and he's starting to get better.  I really don't think forcing a bunch of barium down is going to improve the situation.  Anyway, you can pray for me as I have a calm (deep breath, Janelle) discussion with this doctor I've never met before, sometime this afternoon.  Advocating for Benjamin is a difficult role to be in sometimes...I want to be reasonable, but sometimes I think they just come up with things they can order so they feel like they're doing something.  I'm good giving him a little more time to come out of this.  But pray that I'll have wisdom and respond like I should, even if that means needing to be open to something that I don't like.  He's showing some real improvement today, so thanks for keeping the prayers going.  We have been so blessed by our CYT family...one of the moms (she has 4 kids in the show, so not a bunch of free time this week, to say the least) orgainized a 'meal drive' for our family...frozen meals for us to pull out in the days ahead.  One family sent a wonderful meal home with the kids last night.  I've been moved to tears by their love and care for us during this very busy time for them too.  Will let you know how things go.  Love, Janelle 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well, our poor little boy is just really not doing very well yet.  It seems so odd that he had a bug last weekend, recovered so quickly, and then came down a week later with similar, but more severe symptoms.  They are being very thorough, doing blood work etc. to rule out more serious issues, but I think (and certainly pray) that we've just not turned that corner yet....and when we do, he'll make a good come back again.  He tries to sit up, then lays his head in my hand or on the crib rail and falls asleep.  He's definitely not himself.  

We're so thankful for the notes and calls of people praying and offering to help in different ways.  Anne and Larry got some things over to mom that we needed before Larry went to sleep for the day...and mom met me partway between home and the hospital so I wouldn't need to be gone from him for long.  I now have some of his favorite videos and the laptop, so I'm not having to try and type e-mails on my i-pod.  

I hope Benjamin and I can both get some good sleep tonight.  I just wrapped up in a blanket and napped in the wee hours this morning.....I'm hoping to get the pj's out tonight and do some serious sleeping.  

Thanks for your continued prayers for Benjamin.  More news soon...Janelle

Monday, May 17, 2010

Benjamin Blues

Krissy was absolutely ready to get up by 5 am today, so I'm rapidly fading this evening. Since I can't watch her and get Benjamin taken care of at the same time, I didn't realize that he was sick until I had gotten her on the bus.  He's been pretty sick all day...when he's awake he's vomiting or trying to....but has been pretty out of it all day, sleeping, hardly moving from one spot.  It was just a week ago today that we last came home from the hospital so it's hard to imagine that he got some other stomach bug already.  But something is sure wrong.  The older kids all had dress rehearsal (Sun-Thurs eves this week) so I called Larry about 5:15.  He got ready and took Benjamin up to the hospital while I stayed here with Krissy and got her to bed.  I'm planning to drive up once the kids get home.   I haven't heard anything since they checked in at the ER, but thank you for praying for him...that they'll be able to get an IV in the first time, that they can give him something to calm his tummy down.  I feel so sorry for him.  And then, as always, pray for us too.  We so hope we don't get whatever it is.   Larry has to work tonight and I'm already very tired.  It's a very fun but super busy week with the theater and opening night on Friday.  It would be great if this was just limited to him this time (please!) and his recovery was as amazingly fast as last week.  I'll post again, probably in the morning with an update.  Thanks!

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's another beautiful day in Gresham and for Benjamin, it was Special Olympics Day.  As you can see, he was far from a willing participant!  He apparently walked all the way around the track in the parade that opened the day.....and that was the end of his cooperation.  Mom and I went to watch for awhile.  I think the whole thing was really just too overwhelming for him. It was his turn to be in a race, which is the first photo you see.  As we walked him to the starting line, he just kept sitting down and then as everyone left him in the dust, and the crowd cheered them on, he plopped down and covered his ears.  For this he was awarded an aqua participant ribbon which he promptly began chewing on.  The next picture with Merrie his teacher, let us know what he really thought of the whole thing (like we had any doubts) but he managed his sweet smile for Merrie and Mama before I left.  

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good Morning,

It is a beautiful day here!  I am back to full speed and got the 2 little ones off to school singlehandedly this morning.  Jamie has been such a help with the early mornings the past few days.  Benjamin was so happy this morning. I took a  bunch of pictures of him with probably 85%  being of the top of his head :o)  He was happy to see his wheelchair, happy to go on the bus...

Jamie and I took both he and Krissy to the park yesterday and they had a great time.  Benjamin loves to walk down by the water...Jamie thought he wanted to get in.  Next time we'll take some duck food and see if he enjoys that.  He generally isn't very excited about animals, so it may scare him.

Mom and I are off for a walk on the Springwater Trail...it's too beautiful of a day to walk on the treadmill.

Thanks for your prayers for our family....no one else has gotten 'the bug' that took Benjamin and I out.  We're hoping we're safe!

Love,  Janelle

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Role reversal?? Well, I guess I confirmed Benjamin's diagnosis of a viral stomach bug by waking up at 3 am this morning feeling bad.  The pediatrician said yesterday that there was an intense 18 hr. variety circulating....so I think I was supposed to get over it about 40 minutes ago.  At one point after coming downstairs to check on Benjamin, I was heading back to bed when I passed out, knocking Larry's nightstand and everything on it, over.  I don't know how long I was down on the floor, but had no idea that I hit the stand until I spotted it later on when I got up.  Nothing hurts, so I don't know what part of me hit it.  Of course Benjamin stayed home today, but Jamie got up early and got Krissy up and off to school by herself.  A little later, Anne was up and took great care of me and David chipped in by running an errand for me when he returned from the college.   Benjamin came and sat beside me more than once :o) I am feeling pretty ok as long as I stay down...not so good if I sit or stand.  

Please pray with us that Larry and the rest of the family will be spared this round.  Kids are heading into a very busy time in the days ahead with their play and Larry has missed so much work for illness this year.  Thanks and rest well.   Love Janelle

Monday, May 10, 2010

Yes, he's home in his own crib.  He was so happy to be home he immediately took off for the park with Jamie.  She said he enjoyed himself so much.  Who would've thought yesterday that he's be enjoying the park today?  

My favorite moment today was when the CNA came in to take his vital signs.  She was standing next to his crib and looked at me and smiled and said "He looks just like you!".  For once, I was lost for words, as this observation was rather unexpected, but  I did manage to squeak out "really"?  I smiled the rest of the day about that.... And I thought of how blessed I am to be this little guy's mom.  He is so sweet and people seem to be drawn to that without him ever being able to speak a word.  I love being his mom and it's just fine with me if we remind anyone of each other :o)

Except for Larry who hopes to remain awake, the rest of us hope to have an uneventful, very restful night!  May your sleep be sweet too.  Janelle

...Most definitely, a new little boy today!  He's started to take fluids by mouth and is laughing and playing.  Must be a record turn around time for him and we'll be happy to take it!  I'm hoping we'll both be sleeping in our own bed (or crib) tonight! Thanks for your prayers~Janelle

Sunday, May 9, 2010

...just wanted you to know that Benjamin is resting peacefully here in the hospital this evening. The IV fluids have worked wonders and he seems to be feeling better. He's such a sweet little guy and doesn't seem afraid or worried about being here. Big sister kept him entertained and met with the doctors while I took a break and met my mom, sister and niece for dinner. We had some therapeutic laughter as we couldn't seem to get away from the (many) roving accordian players at the Rheinlander...they certainly seemed to have all hands on deck today! I'm going to be dreaming about 'my knapsack on my back'.

We went down the hall this evening and visited another cast member from the play (Seussical) that the kids are currently rehearsing for. Isaiah had an emergency appendectomy last evening and we had been asked to pray for him. He's not quite looking chipper, but he should be good to go for the play I bet.

More tomorrow and thanks for praying for our little guy. Janelle

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mama's Day!  

It's a beautiful weekend with lots of sunshine!  I was surprised early this morning by David when he came down from his room with a dozen beautiful white roses for me.  An hour I was surprised again when Larry arrived home from work with a dozen perfect pink roses.  Neither he or David knew of the other one's plan...I didn't mind a bit :o)  Just wish I was going to be home to enjoy them.....

Which brings me to the 'rain on my Mother's day parade'... Benjamin began showing signs of getting ill last night.  David and Jamie both slept downstairs to be within earshot of him....my backup ears, while I slept with the monitor next to my head.  I found I could hear retching very well.  I went to bed just after midnight, then up at 1am and 4am.  He looks pretty bad. He is losing alot of fluid, so I need to take him to the hospital soon.  Thanks for your prayers today for him.  I'll keep you posted but this looks like a virus type problem to us rather than a surgical issue (that's good news).

 Many of you will remember my good friend Debbie who lives in So. California...she is mom to 'the other Ben'. He has many similar issues and I got a text from her this morning.....from the ER at LA Children's where little Benjamin is right now, probably also being admitted today. Pray for him and their family today too, please.  Their home is much further from the hospital than ours is and Deb is facing a long Mother's Day away from her husband, mom and other 2 kids that she planned to be with today.

Love, Janelle

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mr. Handsome

Hey...not much news but thought you'd enjoy seeing Benjamin in his new overalls.  They arrived on the porch yesterday and we're hoping they will serve to counteract Benjamin's newly found skill of removing almost any pair of pants we put him in.  Not such a big deal at home, but a problem at school and obviously not a good social skill :o)

He looks awfully cute this afternoon, just totally enjoying his toy that he apparently missed while at school today.  The sz. 8's are about 6-8 inches too long, so I need to figure out what do with that. After I wash them, of course.

I'm hearing rumors of snow up in Sandy...what's that about?  It's May...It's Spring!!!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Not much new and exciting here. I thought you'd enjoy the picture I got of Benjamin the other day. To make it funnier, I had no idea what was on the TV when I snapped the picture....then today when I downloaded into the computer I started laughing when I read..."your baby will let you know when it's time for a new activity". You think???He's always enjoyed the upside down perspective so I suppose we shouldn't have been surprised that he was enjoying watching from this unusual vantage point. He gave us a scare on Saturday when he woke up sick. But as the day went on, he seemed to be coming out of it rather than getting worse. This is most unusual. By Sunday he was eating well again. I kept him home yesterday because his cold/allergies were bad, but he went back to school today and did well, I hear. The 'big kids' are gone to CYT classes and Larry is sleeping, so I'm just hanging around with Benjamin and Krissy. I don't know why but I am so sleepy. Maybe its the letdown from my dental appt. earlier today. I am still such a chicken. I was telling Anne afterwards how anxious I felt when I went, almost sick. She said "what did you have done?" I squeaked out "my teeth cleaned"... and she looked at me like "Huhhhhh???". I attribute this to her having positive pediatric dental experiences.  Well, have a nice peaceful evening!