Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's a beautiful Saturday here in Gresham. Both the little kids had appointments with "Dr. Amy", our favorite NP who has, along with our pediatrician, cared for all of our kids for years. We had our 'growth spurt' observations confirmed when Krissy clocked in just under 5 feet tall and breaking the 100 lb. mark.Krissy has been busy packing a picnic lunch for a trip she's planning to the park with Melissa today. I don't think it's quite that warm, but she thinks if you go to the park, you need to pack a lunch. Benjamin's sinus infections seems to have returned so I need to pick up yesterdays prescriptions at the pharmacy. This evening we're going to CYT's "Alice, The Looking Glass Girl". The kids have a number of friends performing. Then tomorrow, we have our own move-in for the kids CYT show that opens Friday (3/5). It's a busy week for them...after rehearsal this morning, they go to the mall where they are performing some 'snipets' of the show...part of a PR deal to raise interest in the show. Tomorrow evening they being 4 hr.nightly rehearsals thru Thursday, with 4 weekend shows. They of course love all of it. School marches on too, so this week requires extra diligence and time management challenges. David & Jamie's college finals begin the day after their final performance on the 14th. Well, that's all for now...we're doing well and hope you are too!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sister Act

Can you believe this??  Krissy is within centimeters of catching up to Anne (not that Anne is all that tall :o)  But still~We're all surprised as Krissy seems to have suddenly shot up!

We're off to the spagetti feed at church~Nana is here to sit with Benjamin!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Good Evening~ It's been a busy past few days.  We enjoyed celebrating Anne's birthday again on the weekend and the older kids lives are about to get intense with move-in for their show this coming weekend.  Everyone is fairly healthy, although we're still occasionally hearing the croupy cough from Benjamin.  We've decided not to have his surgery done next Monday (Mar 1st).  We've done surgery during dress rehearsal week twice in the past 13 months (both of those were emergencies) and I don't think I need to throw that into the mix. More importantly, I think it's probably best to pursue answers on this chronic cough and wait until April when Larry & I are back from our trip and not having to worry about potential complications with us out of town.  Please pray that he will stay healthy until we're able to get this stricture fixed surgically.  

You may recall a few days ago, the story I told re. taking Scobey, Mom's dog to the Humane Society.  I closed the story with "hopefully she'll be put in a happy home".  Guess I was right...  My mom paid $85 to adopt her own dog back on Monday morning....she called me on Sunday and was so sad.  She was/is very attached to this pooch and being alone in her house, she just wasn't sleeping well as she felt the dog gave her some protection (at least in being alert...course if the boogie man had a coat on, the dog would have a nervous breakdown) and then she just missed her alot.  Needless to say, the dog was pretty happy (and maybe a little surprised) to see us.  I think she's staying...By the way, if you know my mom's older brother, he is NOT TO KNOW that mom has her dog back....He's 92 years old but my mom thinks he'll be very upset with her if he finds out and so she is sincerely hoping Scobey won't bark when she's talking to them on the phone.  I think he and my aunt are concerned that Scobey's going to knock her over (so are we)....she doesn't jump up often, but sometimes she's just so happy to see mom.  Anyway,  thought you'd like to know the end of that chapter....

Well, dinner is cooking and I better go.  Krissy is gone to the park with a friend and Anne.  She continues to have happy days and we're so thankful.

Love, Janelle

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Celebrating Anne's Birthday....and Spring!

Hi Again...I heard it's suppose to be 60 today and I'm looking out the window at beautiful sunshine!  I remember 15 years ago when Anne was born, looking out the hospital window and seeing a fresh snowfall.  She and I talked yesterday about how time seems to go both slowly at times and other times, so very fast.  She was speculating that she was half way to 30 and figuring I could top that 'depressing' thought for her, I cheerily told her she was a quarter of the way to 60 :o)  Way to go Party Mama...

I think she had a good day.  She would tell you that she was up nearly at dawn (translation=about 9am) to spend the morning with Jamie.  They started out at a coffee shop in downtown Gresham, ended up at Cold Stone for ice cream and did some shopping inbetween.  Anne borrowed our camera, so when I downloaded pictures last night, I got to enjoy their adventure too (and no, we're not buying those lovely dresses you girls tried on).  David sadly came down with the stomach flu yesterday, so he was in bed much of the day and we had to cancel our plans for anyone coming to the house.  The girls had their regular CYT (musical theater) class from 5-7pm.  After picking them up, we went and picked up Anne's friend Claire and went to Panda Express...lots of giggling with those 2 and lots of fun. Once we arrived home, Larry, Jamie, Anne and I had birthday dessert (There's ALOT left over!!!) and she opened a couple gifts.  She got her own Nikon camera, so she was really thrilled with that.  

In the next post perhaps, I'll send you a picture of my latest project.  Amanda the behavior consultant wanted us to set up a dark/quiet space for Krissy to be able to go when she needs to calm down.  Since her closet is empty, save for a high shelf with CareBears on it, that seemed like a good place to work with.  I bought a roll of velcro and secured (with a staple gun) about a 6 foot strip up above the opening where the doors used to be.  I put 2 shorter strips about shoulder height on either end (attached to the wall  next to the casing).  I picked up a King Size comforter at the 2nd hand store that was in good condition and sewed the 2nd part of the velcro strips onto it.  We didn't want to use a rod as she would hang on it and pull if down.  She may do that to this as well, but there will be no harm done.  I put some quilts on the floor inside as well as 2 push lights that are in the shape of stars, so it feels very small and cozy.  The comforter is black on the inside and zebra (not my preference but....) on the outside. Not exactly a decorator statement in her sage green/cranberry bedroom, but this can just be put up at times she wants to be in her quiet 'cave'...not necessary to have it always up.   She has also been talking about a 'trap door' and wanting to install one in her room.  For now, she's got a sign up that will probably make you laugh too...Watch this space~More soon.  I have to get (another) birthday cake in the oven since she wants  us to continue the party for Anne today...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day...a little late!  Kristin was just SOOOO into celebrating the day yesterday. We needed a valentine cake (nice break from Barney, but I'm honestly a little sick of cake....and Anne's birthday is tomorrow) and Krissy did quite alot of card making and decorating as you can see.  
My sweet husband remembered too and showed up yesterday morning after working all night with these beautiful roses....and I only got him some Snickers Bars.                                                 We have had a good 3 day weekend!  The kids have their CYT class tomorrow evening which limits our celebration time some for Anne, but she and Jamie are planning to get out together in the morning to do some shopping, so they'll have fun.                                                                 It's working really well for David to be driving more...he's regularly driving himself and Jamie to the college, so that's been a  bonus for me too.  He seems to be gaining confidence and enjoying it alot.  He's even made his first installment on paying his own car insurance.         Larry has left for work so it must be past my bedtime.   We were able to attend a regular prayer group tonight at some dear friends home...always such a great way to start our week together.    Hope your week is off to a good start too.....Warmly, Janelle

PS:  Meet Squeakers, above, recently nicknamed "Copy Cat" by David...just took her picture a little while ago...this is her after I spotted her curled up,  napping on top of the machine while I was least I thought she was napping.  Maybe she was having a cat scan..............

Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Evening,

It's been a good day, at least mostly.  I was able to visit Krissy's new classroom this morning and that was fun.  Amanda, the behavior consultant who has been a huge help to us visited on Wednesday and spent 3 hrs. with us afterwards.  She told us that this is probably one of the very best school situations she's observed.  We were so encouraged by that as we've seen what a settling effect it's had on Kristin to be somewhere that's such a great fit for her needs. it was my turn to go in and see for myself.  She didn't even spot me at first from across the room, she was so intent on a project she was doing.  Then she looked up at said in a very happy voice "Hi Janelle!" :o)  Such a funny little kid.  I followed her as she moved from a task in one classroom to doing something else in another, taking her schedule with her and seeming to be totally at home and content with her day.  It was great to see her willing to stick with things with it being very clear when it was finished... then she'd plunk it in the "all done" bin.

Amanda will be working with us and our staff here at home too .  She felt there was some great 'at home' application for what she saw Krissy doing at school and thinks that it would be worth incorporating those ideas on the home front.

Jamie and I helped Mom take Scobey to the Humane Society late this afternoon.  Mom has had her for a year (small German Shepherd Mix) and really loves her, but she seems to be getting more neurotic (I'm still talking about Scobey NOT my Mama) all the time.  Mom has trouble getting her to go outside, then trouble getting her to come inside.  She loves mom and sometimes jumps up on her and we're really afraid she's going to knock her over.  The neighbor called Mom and complained that the dog was barking under his window it's just become too much for Mom to deal with.  Anyway, this was really hard on her (and Jamie too who has spent alot of time working with the dog).  The OHS said they were sure she would be adopted....she even apparently passed her temperment test (they took her back without us to conduct this).  So hopefully she'll be put in a happy home.

I'm all done for now....Have a great long weekend!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

hello everyone...

We have had a good week without nice to feel settled.  Krissy and Ben have both been in school and doing well.  Benjamin is his happy giggly self and we just have to smile when we see his genuine delight over the things that make him happy.  In the middle of last week, I was beginning to wonder if we were going to get our happy boy back.  He's just finishing his course of antibiotics, so we hope he'll stay well after coming off of those.  I spoke with the surgeons office yesterday about rescheduling,  but I didn't really want to take them up on their offer of doing it late on the 18th and possibly running his stay into the weekend when his own MD wouldn't be around.   We'll see what they come up with.  

That's all from me tonight...hope you're having a good week too~ Janelle

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Kiddies

Overall, it's been a good day.  Larry and I both noticed this morning that we could coax at least a little smile out of Benjamin.  As you can see in the picture, by late afternoon, he was nearly hysterical over some musical video he was watching.  He still is having a little trouble coping with disappointment over us not understanding what he wants....he usually weathers our ignorance a little better , but he's still falling apart pretty easily.... all in all though, he's coming back and we're relieved.  I think he can go back to school tomorrow, so pray that he has a good day without any crisis!  He did enjoy getting out for some fresh air in his stroller this afternoon.   

Krissy looked so cute in pink tonight, so I couldn't resist taking her picture before she went off to bed.  She stalled for as long as she could.

Hope you all have a wonderful week....hopefully I'll be quiet for a few days because things are soooo peaceful here :o)

Love, Janelle

Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy really is! Benjamin is a little subdued, but this is preferable to what was happening yesterday. Every day is getting better and although he still is holding onto that left ear quite a bit, he's not crying. 

On another note, we just had a group project of decorating yet another Barney's birthday cake...not a good example of skill improving with experience...Isn't this the 3rd one you've heard about now (and I've baked????) in the last 3 weeks?  No one should get to have that many birthdays/birthday cakes.  No wonder dinosaurs are so old...

The picture of Jamie and Benjamin was taken this morning.  He seems to be favoring high places right now (i.e. standing on top of whatever he can get up on), but she was singing to him and whenever she would pause, he'd touch her chin (like it's a 'play' button) to get her to continue.  It worked really well.  

Surgery for Monday is new date yet, but we want to move ahead as soon as we can, both for his sake and to have him fully recovered before Larry & I go to Mexico in March.

It's beautiful here in Gresham...sunny and mild.  Hope you have a nice weekend!!

love, Janelle

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Well, it's been a better day for Benjamin, but he's definitely not himself.  Thankfully Dr. Wobig, Ben's ENT specialist graciously agreed to work us into his full schedule, so Jamie and I headed to his office at Gateway late this afternoon.  He listened carefully to all that's happened to Benjamin in the last week and a half and then thoroughly checked him over.  His ears still look fine, but he's continues to localize his pain to that area...there's not much doubt where he's hurting.  Dr. Wobig believes that in the course of him getting dehydrated last weekend, he probably developed an ulcer sort of lesion further down in his throat.  His barky cough probably irritated it and he thinks that it is giving him the referred pain to his ear.  The pain could be quite severe and can be intermittent.   Benjamin has wanted to drink his bottles.  The Dr. said that people with this problem have said the only real relief they get is when they are drinking (not drinking drinking, although that would probably help too....anyway, I'm pretty sure he was speaking of swallowing liquid, ok?)  The 'pharyngeal ulcer' theory is  a presumptive diagnosis, but really the only thing that really has made sense so far.   Thank you, you who have prayed for him.  He hasn't been as tearful today, but is very obstinate and not a happy camper.  I hope we have our happy healthy boy back soon. I'm not sure it's a very good idea to send him to the OR on Monday, especially since they would be intubating him (hard to imagine that this would help his current condition :o(  

He was antsy and not very happy at the MD, but was a bit happier (though you may not guess that with this not-so-happy picture) if we didn't try and interfere with his plans, such as climbing the 'walls'. 

So that's where we are now...Larry is heading towards him with Benadryl soon....he's been up with him until 1am the last 2 nights and would like them both to be asleep way before then tonight.  

Rest well~Janelle

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mystery 101...

We wish we knew what was going on with Benjamin.  He has cried more in the last 24 hrs than he has in the last 3 years total.  Of course he can't tell us what's bothering him, but is very clingy and has intermittent serious crying jags.  We, of course kept him home from school.  Larry & I took him to the pediatrician this morning who just has no idea what's wrong.  We talked thru all of the obvious, racked our brains for the un-obvious and still nothing.  We're keeping him on a scheduled of Ibuprofen and Tylenol but don't know what we're chasing.  It seems to help.  For once we really were hoping he had an ear infection as that's what he keeps grabbing.  His ears looked totally fine.  He's eating ok and the bug he had over the weekend seems to have resolved, so we don't think this is anything related to his tummy.  Anyway, thank you for remembering to pray for him....either that this could resolve or that we would know what we need to do to help him.  Pictured awhile ago on the couch, he saw Krissy coming home from school and was just trying to get comfortable.

Krissy had another good day.  This morning when she was get ready to go, she hugged me and said in her 'announcer voice', "This is the best Pathways Community School Early Release Short Day EVER!!!".  I told the teacher I hoped it was prophetic.  She's a funny kid, and definitely a happier one than in months past.

We'll let you know if we figure this thing out....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Creative Writing 101

Well, as you can see I managed to come thru on the cinnamon roll (not rolls) for breakfast for the girl :o)  I have to confess, I was just too beat to roll out the dough last night, so I decided to pull out a little individual cake pan and make Krissy her own personal pan cinnamon bun for this morning.  Now at 3:30 pm, I've pulled the pan of rolls out of the oven and she was happy to get cinnamon rolls twice in the same day.  As Larry said , "we'll start reducing fat in our diet...tomorrow".  

Kristin's teacher sent the above 'freestyle writing' assignment home today....said that Kristin had done it on the computer and asked her to print it for Mom.  I'm not quite sure what it all means, but it has a certain cadence and repetitive theme to it.  

Benjamin made it back to school today and seems to be feeling well.  Larry is off for a few nights with a cold, but feels well enough to be getting to some projects that have needed attention.

It's sunny at our house...hope you're having a good day!

Love, Janelle

Monday, February 1, 2010

Well, we did indeed make it home yesterday!  I could tell that Benjamin was going to be able to drink enough to let his IV go (although I think after the first one gave out, it took them 7 or 8 tries to get the next one in).  He didn't cry once.  He actually dislikes the tourniquet and being held in place by 3 or 4 people more than the actual needle.  He might 'growl' a little, but no tears or obvious discomfort.  I watched his face and he didn't seem to even notice much.  He's had a quiet day at home with 3 of the kids gone to school and the other one sleeping in until...(ok Anne, I won't tell)  

My mom has made the difficult decision to find a new home for her dog, Scobey.  She (the dog) has hang ups (i.e. doesn't like men, especially if they have the nerve to wear a coat among other things) that seem to be getting worse rather than better.  When mom first had her, we thought she might be barkless...she never made a peep.  Well, that's changed and she apparently is barking sometimes non-stop out back, annoying the neighbor.  She's also getting more aggressive (not in a mean way) with Mom, i.e. jumping up to greet her, etc.  Mom just decided that all things considered, it's probably best to find someplace for Scobey, but it's hard on her because she really loves her and the dog is very attached to her.  We're afraid that she will eventually accidently knock Mom down and it's just not worth it.  As you can tell, I'm not thinking of any of you as prospective new owners, but you could pray that we'd find someplace to send her.  (To my friend Erin in, you can't take her :o)  I tried to get ahold of the Oregon German Shepherd Rescue today, but they have closed.  They recommend the Washington branch who has some 'foster homes' in our area, so that may be our best bet.  They work hard at placing dogs in an appropriate setting (if that's possible in this case).  

That's the news from the homefront.  We're still on the surgery schedule for next Monday...hoping for a quiet, uneventful week ahead.

Krissy talked to me last evening about making another Barney cake (specifying that it needs to be 3 layers high).  You may recall that I have done this twice in the very recent past, so I suggested doing cinnamon rolls instead.  She agreed.  Problem is that the dough is ready to roll out, but the clock is approaching 10pm.  I did tell her we'd have them for breakfast, so I guess I better just do it....I am soooo ready for bed.  Ben honking the horn on his new hot rod should help me stay awake (photo).

Love Janelle