Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Evening,

It's been a good day, at least mostly.  I was able to visit Krissy's new classroom this morning and that was fun.  Amanda, the behavior consultant who has been a huge help to us visited on Wednesday and spent 3 hrs. with us afterwards.  She told us that this is probably one of the very best school situations she's observed.  We were so encouraged by that as we've seen what a settling effect it's had on Kristin to be somewhere that's such a great fit for her needs. it was my turn to go in and see for myself.  She didn't even spot me at first from across the room, she was so intent on a project she was doing.  Then she looked up at said in a very happy voice "Hi Janelle!" :o)  Such a funny little kid.  I followed her as she moved from a task in one classroom to doing something else in another, taking her schedule with her and seeming to be totally at home and content with her day.  It was great to see her willing to stick with things with it being very clear when it was finished... then she'd plunk it in the "all done" bin.

Amanda will be working with us and our staff here at home too .  She felt there was some great 'at home' application for what she saw Krissy doing at school and thinks that it would be worth incorporating those ideas on the home front.

Jamie and I helped Mom take Scobey to the Humane Society late this afternoon.  Mom has had her for a year (small German Shepherd Mix) and really loves her, but she seems to be getting more neurotic (I'm still talking about Scobey NOT my Mama) all the time.  Mom has trouble getting her to go outside, then trouble getting her to come inside.  She loves mom and sometimes jumps up on her and we're really afraid she's going to knock her over.  The neighbor called Mom and complained that the dog was barking under his window it's just become too much for Mom to deal with.  Anyway, this was really hard on her (and Jamie too who has spent alot of time working with the dog).  The OHS said they were sure she would be adopted....she even apparently passed her temperment test (they took her back without us to conduct this).  So hopefully she'll be put in a happy home.

I'm all done for now....Have a great long weekend!


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