Monday, August 31, 2009

It's nearly 11:30 pm and I just took this picture of you can see, she won't quite admit that she's done for the day, so while her eyes are closed, she continues to make little musical sounds, so I'm sure her brain isn't quite asleep yet.  

There are some moments that even a mother doesn't mind not being present for....Michelle & Jenny graciously agreed to my disappearing for awhile later today to go to dinner with a close friend in the area.  They stayed at Disney and off I went.  While they were standing in line to greet the princesses, the woman directly in front of them was apparently in Kris's direct line/height of vision (if you get my drift) and had a rather er, prominent backside.  The line moved forward and Krissy,  fascinated, turned to Michelle and Jenny and said "looks like Donald Duck". Oh my...tell me you didn't get this on video.  

Well, with that we'll say good night....


When I saw this photo, the thought occured to me "this is probably how all the characters feel by the time Krissy gets done hugging on them".  We're into a great day 3 here.  Michelle, Krissy and I were there by about's not very crowded, so we were able to do alot of things quickly.  I've had my "It's a Small World After All" fix for the next 1/4 century.  We took a breakfast break about 11am...Now the others have just headed out for California Adventure...I'm coming already!

Day 3, here we come

Good Morning,

We've survived 2 days of (very hot) Disneyland. Tiffany (Maddox) Anders came and 'experienced' Disney in a whole new way with us.  Krissy's "special" pass sends us to a special entrance where we're put on rides ahead of people who've been waiting and waiting.  Doesn't quite seem right, but on the other hand, she wouldn't be able to endure hour long waits, so who are we to object to a plan that works?   We're having a blast....Krissy loves it...not sure if she'll hit the saturation point by day 5, but as for "Janelle" (I'm usually not mom...she's decided we need to be on a first name basis) I think I'll have enough of "go see goofy" for a long time.

Each time she has a chance for a photo op with a character, she just can't get enough time, hugs, or  up close and personal looks at how the costume was made.  She nearly knocked Pinnochio over with her enthusiasm.  Thankfully she's gotten over her previous obscession with their zippers.  That made them quite nervous.  We're opening Toon Town this morning.  

She crashed about 11pm.  I had bedtime duty the first night, so Jenny and Michelle let me go to sleep early last night.  THANK YOU!  I hadn't had a good nights sleep in awhile and I feel GREAT.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Night Shift

My wonderful husband took to the couch last night so he could monitor how Benjamin was doing.   It ended up being a busy night for him.  Benj had gotten his sleep during the afternoon and evening and was no longer interested.  Then there was the retching and his bag coming off.  Oh, yes....then Krissy being very excited for the trip, was finished sleeping at 2:30 am (we'll make a morning person out of you yet, Jenny!)  So I've taken over this morning.  I just took this photo a few minutes ago.   Benjamin wanted to be up here in the kitchen where the action is, but after another vomiting episode, fell sound asleep.  Krissy, who usually ignores him (thankfully) is having difficulty not wanting to pat him or kiss him when she walks by.  He's gotten to be a big boy, so you definitely notice him when he's crashed in the middle of a room.  Thanks for continuing to pray.  We're hopeful still that this is something that has peaked and he'll begin to turn the corner....and that we'll all be spared.  

I optomistically just printed our boarding passes for tomorrow morning, so it's getting excited.  We still have to narrow Krissy's 10 or so bags down to one or two.  I've decided to pay the $15 and check one big suitcase and that way I can take her 'incidentals' such as clothing and my stuff too.  I'm sure she won't have room, what with all of the important toys she needs to fit in.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


....awhile later

I just spoke with Dr. Eki who reports that the xray looks good.  Whew.  So far.  Benjamin isn't feeling well at all and has a fever.  But hopefully this is a (NON-CONTAGIOUS TO EVERYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE, ESPECIALLY THOSE GOING ON A TRIP) virus and he'll be much better tomorrow.  

Keep the prayers going.


Prayer Please

Hi Friends,

We're only about 36 hrs out from leaving from the airport and Benjamin has come down sick.  We're not sure what's happening...unfortunately with Benjamin there are always more options than for the average bear.  Larry has just returned from having a stat abdominal xray over at Mt. Hood Medical Center and we're waiting for a call from our pediatrician.  The girls have assured me that 'we know the drill' and can easily manage a hospitalization for Benjamin in my absence...but would any sort of respectable mother go to Disneyland if one of her other kids is in the hospital????  Anyway, pray that this is just a little bump for Benjamin and nothing that requires hospitals or operating rooms.  I'll post again when I know more.  
Disneyland ho....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So Excited!

I just went downstairs this morning to get Krissy up...I said "Krissy, 3 MORE days!" and she said with enthusiasm "Fantastic!".  I broached the topic again about luggage.  She apparently is still planning to take "all the disney animals" with her...and then there's the CareBears and other misc toys.  I wrote a social story for her the other day about a young girl going to Disneyland and how her daddy suggested that she choose her favorite 3 stuffed animals and 3 favorite toys.  Her response..."take all my toys in 2010?"  2010???? She's already making future plans.  Maybe we'll go read the social story again...

Friday, August 21, 2009


Lest you think all of our moments are along the lines of red faces and white knuckles, I have to share a sweet one from this afternoon.   I had all 3 girls in the car with me...Krissy was getting antsy, so Jamie, in an effort to re-direct  her, asked her to tell her 3 happy things.  Kris immediately responded "friendship, caring and responsibility".  Huh?  Sweet, but where did that come from?  

Looks Like Chuck E. Cheese

Sometimes you might regret reading Krissy Tales...this may be one of those days.  In fact, I would even rewind this story and play it a (way) different way....but hey, it's history now. Speaking of history, the background for the tale of this morning is that Larry told me last evening that  JJ (our nice kitty) was playing with a mouse outside.  I don't like mice, but I can't bear to watch one being hurt, so I chose not to investigate.  Later I saw JJ and briefly wondered what had become of the mouse.  A few minutes ago, I was over at mom's house taking care of her dog (she's in Montana) and Larry was watching Krissy.  She had gone out on the deck and he heard her say "looks like Chuck E. Cheese" which piqued his curiosity.  He saw her swinging the aforementioned mouse by his tail.  He grabbed the garbage can and instructed her to put it in.  She, being in a compliant and friendly mood, stopped the pendulum action by planting a kiss on the little guy's head and bid him a cheery "good bye" before depositing him in the can.  

I should probably close for now...I just looked out the kitchen window and saw Krissy's feet hanging from the roof line where she was using the gutter for a pull up bar.  Hope you all have a peaceful day.  If that doesn't sound appealing, come on over for a visit...we won't let Krissy give you a kiss goodbye.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So, I'm hoping you all don't mind being part of my learning curve with this blog.  I'm a FaceBook flunkie...I guess I don't have the time to figure it out, but so far I don't get it.  Anyway, back to the topic at hand....I thought before the big trip (which by the way, is only 9 days from now according to the fridge Disney Countdown Calendar) I should figure out how to post pictures and maybe even video clips.  So bear with a few boring posts in the days ahead (you'll be glad for these 'less than exciting moments' once the adventure me)  Happy Thursday!

PS: This mornings photo is of Krissy diligently wrapping the Nintendo...Remind me to tell David where it is next time he wants it.  Krissy loves to wrap anything and everything.  The other morning both cell phones were missing.  When we called on of them, Jamie found one of her 'presents' ringing.  When we're missing something, I go start carefully unwrapping things.  She's taking reservations for your holiday gift wrapping :o)))

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome to Krissy Tales

Hello and welcome to Krissy Tales...

So many changes happening for Krissy and I finally realized we shouldn't be keeping all this fun to ourselves.  We've invited you to her blog, just because we thought you might enjoy (from a distance) hearing about some of our adventures.  

In 10 days (but who's counting) we're heading for Disneyland....Krissy and I (Janelle) along with our friends Michelle & Jenny Ziegler.  We figure a 3:1 ratio should be a good safety net for a vacation.  I just wrote Jenny tonight and suggested maybe we could rotate taking Krissy to IHOP for breakfast while the others sleep, at least until sunrise.   I haven't heard back from her.  Maybe it was mentioning that Krissy was up before 5 am today.....

I'm considering a visit to the doctor prior to our trip...maybe increasing the blood pressure medication.  I just think it's good to know that we HAVE NO IDEA all that's in store for us.  Krissy has recently discovered analogies and is delighted to share them with enthusiasm and volume....such as the other day when she spotted a little boy at the water park with rather prominent ears...Her remark~"Looks like Mickey Mouse".   I'm sure I won't share all of her 'moments', but when I do, remember to pray for us....August 29-Sept 2nd (Krissy's 12th birthday)

Thanks friends, Janelle