Friday, August 21, 2009

Looks Like Chuck E. Cheese

Sometimes you might regret reading Krissy Tales...this may be one of those days.  In fact, I would even rewind this story and play it a (way) different way....but hey, it's history now. Speaking of history, the background for the tale of this morning is that Larry told me last evening that  JJ (our nice kitty) was playing with a mouse outside.  I don't like mice, but I can't bear to watch one being hurt, so I chose not to investigate.  Later I saw JJ and briefly wondered what had become of the mouse.  A few minutes ago, I was over at mom's house taking care of her dog (she's in Montana) and Larry was watching Krissy.  She had gone out on the deck and he heard her say "looks like Chuck E. Cheese" which piqued his curiosity.  He saw her swinging the aforementioned mouse by his tail.  He grabbed the garbage can and instructed her to put it in.  She, being in a compliant and friendly mood, stopped the pendulum action by planting a kiss on the little guy's head and bid him a cheery "good bye" before depositing him in the can.  

I should probably close for now...I just looked out the kitchen window and saw Krissy's feet hanging from the roof line where she was using the gutter for a pull up bar.  Hope you all have a peaceful day.  If that doesn't sound appealing, come on over for a visit...we won't let Krissy give you a kiss goodbye.


  1. Please don't let her kiss anyone...if she does don't feel any need to tell them about the mouse =)
