Monday, June 27, 2011

this and that....

Happy Summer....It's sure beautiful out there isn't it? Summer seems to have arrived, right on schedule, at least here in Oregon. I'm sitting here in the recliner with a fleece jacket on, but it's more due to the air conditioning in the house and the ice packs on my leg.

With just 2 weeks until our team leaves for Uganda, I would appreciate your prayers for my knee. My mom's dog dashed into our yard last Wednesday morning and I was afraid she would get one of our I made a rather noble effort to scare her back to mom's yard. I just didn't have time to think thru the flimsy sandals + early morning wet grass and it didn't work out very well for me. I went down with my left knee sort of under and behind me and felt something snap inside (I did this in front of a group of the girls' friends and some of them heard it pop). It really was quite painful, and I just had to lay in the wet grass for awhile until I could move with help inside. I was able to get into the doctor a little later that morning; he wrapped it and told me to stay off of it and ice it. By the next day it was much more swollen so they ordered an MRI for early Friday. He called Saturday am and said the MRI showed quite a bit of injury, but while there was possibly a partially torn ligament, I didn't need surgery. This was a relief as obviously that probably would have canceled the trip for me. As it is, we're not sure how the recovery will go. I saw the Dr. this afternoon and he said to still ice it (it's pretty swollen) and I have to be completely non-weight bearing, on crutches. He'll re-assess it on Wednesday. It's just very difficult to do very much when you've got 2 crutches in your hands all the time.

I have done some things (like working on Uganda projects at the church today and making 5 batches of strawberry freezer jam yesterday) that even though I wasn't putting much weight on that foot, probably didn't help the swelling, as I was upright for a number of hours. I'm going to try and be very compliant as I really do need this to get quite a bit better. I can't quite imagine how I could possibly use a pit latrine in my present state...although I don't really want the whole church to try and imagine this, so I'll keep my public prayer requests more general! Thanks for your prayers.

Since this is Krissy's blog, I should talk about her and the wonderful first day she had at ACAP. They did a community outing to a park and she was perfect, according to the staff. That's music to this mama's ears :o) We like reports like this!

Jamie and Anne are both working for CYT this week at a kids camp. They like it alot! Oh, I thought I'd include a couple of Jamie's recent 'senior pictures'. I wasn't with her, but from the 100+ pictures the photographer took, it looked like she had a fun time!

Hope you are well! Janelle

PS: ...and a recent favorite of Anne too

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here he is....Charlie the (bride price) cow, happily getting fat out in the field at the Wrights!

Jamie's Graduation Day~June 12

And a visit today with Jamie's new puppy, now almost 6 weeks old. She (no name yet) will be about 9 weeks old when she comes 'home' July 10th