Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I don't think our lilac bush has every been prettier.  I just had to drag the kids outside after dinner to get a few photos.  My mom always told me to have people in the picture!  We've had both sunshine and showers today... the springtime is just so beautiful, I think I'm deciding it's my favorite time of the year.  David's friend Emily came over this afternoon and put new strings on Krissy's guitar, then attempted to teach me several chords.  This is much more difficult than I imagined.  I just thought, 'I play the piano by ear....teach me a C, F and G and I can play most things that Benjamin would enjoy.'  Not so fast Mama...oh hand was cramping, my fingertips hurting and my self esteem sinking all at the same time.  I'm just not real sure I can do this.  I'm afraid it's going to be like gymnastics or looks easy, but it's just not going to happen for me.   I've wanted to learn for a long time, primarily because Benjamin just loves it.  So how about everyone praying that I will be able to get it? Emily was very patient and I've told her I'd practice, so I guess I won't throw in the towel the first try.  

Krissy is doing pretty well.  She's had a recent fascination with cars, i.e. trying to open  doors in parking lots, etc.  I've talked with her about it...of course I'm afraid some alarm will go off and there we'll be, looking guilty as ever.  Last week I got reports from school twice...the first day as she got off the bus, she slipped away from her staff escort and jumped in a radio cab that was parked at the curb.  The following day (they apparently had not perfected their positioning/holding routine with her) she jumped into a van that was actually moving away from the curb.  That's scary, so I think they are being a bit more pro-active now in escorting her to the building.  She's been happy happy at home...we'd like to lower her speed by 30 mph or so, but we're happy she's not screaming and crying.  We've thankfully not been seeing that. 

Still waiting for Benjamin's surgery date.  I certainly hope this surgeon is better at what he does than his office staff is at what they do.  When the follow-thru is predictably delayed or non-existent, there's a problem.  Nice as can be, but ....

Our older kids are staying busy with school, friends, theater, etc.  Jamie was hired by CYT as a counselor at summer day camps, so she'll have 5 weeks of work.  Anne got on as a 'counselor in training' for a session, so she's looking forward to that.  David opting to help out on the home front.  The two older kids and I are looking forward to our road trip with Krissy after Seussical closes.  She started talking about the 'long car ride' that I had spoken of....then we realized she was wondering where the LONG CAR, Ah ha!  "Krissy....the car isn't long....we're going for a long ride in the silver car."  I think we're all on the same page now...otherwise she'd  be noting all of the stretch limos we pass on the roads and wondering where the Julian's long car is.

Well, Larry is ready for a haircut, so that's it from us this evening.  Love, Janelle & All 


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hi~Just came inside after having some fun enjoying Benjamin out back.  He loves to get outside.  He loves to climb up, then sit expectantly at the top of the slide because he is way too scared to go down by himself.  In fact I went to help him and he had both arms wrapped tightly around my neck...I'm thinking "I just don't see how this is going to work".  Funny he seems to totally enjoy going down, but consistenly once is enough.

Krissy is enjoying a water park outing this afternoon and kids left early for rehearsal this morning, so it's just the 3 of us at home...kind of nice.  I'm so sleepy (don't know why) I may take a nap.  The girls and I are ushering at a play this evening after church...Larry & David are joining us to it will be a late night.  I think I've convinced myself that a nap would be a very good idea.

Enjoy your weekend!  Love, Janelle

Monday, April 12, 2010

Seussical the Musical

Lots of "Happy" in our house last night.  Several of us sat in front of the wall clock waiting for 7pm when the cast list was to be posted...and it was right on time.  We are so happy for Jamie who landed her first CYT lead role as Mrs. Mayor in Seussical...and oh for a video of David returning home and throwing his arms around his sister in excitement...He was cast as Mr. Mayor!  Anne was also happy being quad-cast in various chorus roles...she has lots of practice with frequent 'costume' changes (even when she was little I recall us being 'fascinated' with how often she'd change outfits :o) so the prospect of 4 different characters was good news for her too.  This is a really fun show that the kids have looked forward to for a long time.  We continue to be so thankful for CYT and the many good lessons and great friends it's brought into all of our lives.  

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's a beautiful (but a little brisk!) day here in Gresham.  The house is quiet....Larry is sleeping after working all night.  Kristin is with Nichole for part of the day and it looks like I may even have some time to read one of the 2 books that arrived in our mailbox today.  Our older kids auditioned yesterday (Seussical the Musical) and had callbacks today.  They had friends over last night after the pizza party at Wall Street to hang out and await the callback list.  It was finally posted close to 10:30 pm.  94 kids auditioned in Portland yesterday....69 of them called back today for the artistic team to have a closer look at their singing, dancing and acting skills.  The courage that it takes to get up and do these auditions is not something many of us 'grown ups' would be able to rally.  We have until tomorrow evening to wait for the cast list...It's a fun show and I know the kids will enjoy whatever part they get to play in it.  

Hope you're enjoying the lovely day,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Wednesday...Benjamin has made a quick comeback after a bit of a relapse scare on Monday.  We're still not sure what that was about, but as long as he's better, we're happy.  I kept him home yesterday to see how he was and he had an active day with no sign of feeling bad.  Wednesdays are shorter days for our two little kids, so it was a nice way for him to break back into the classroom.  He did well and his teacher said they were SO happy to have him back.  He's playing and very busy now, so apparently he didn't wear himself out.  Thanks again for your prayers for him this past week.  I called the surgeons office yesterday to schedule his surgery (much as I'd like to stick my head in the sand) and they indicated the scheduler was on the phone....would I like to hold or could she call me back?  I'm thankful I opted not to wait...27 hrs later and she's still apparently on the other line...

The 'big' girls are both getting their hair cut today so there may be pictures to share later. I think Jamie is just getting a trim.  Anne made the big move several months ago getting a foot+ taken off, but now she's wanting to so something different...and it needs to be done before auditions Friday as once casting happens, they aren't allowed to alter their hairstyle without permission.  Easier just to do it beforehand.  David wants a trim before Friday too, but I'll do that here at home.

Hope your week is going well!


Friday, April 2, 2010

My big baby...


For those of you who haven't seen Benjamin for awhile, the picture Jamie took yesterday, demonstrates what a big boy he getting to be.  I'm not sure how many more years I'm going to be able to snuggle like this with him.  He thinks he's a toddler still I think ...  We'll have to do more of this sitting I think.  As you can see from the picture with Jamie, Benjamin is feeling considerably better.  I think we're all convinced that he's able to go home today.  His IV is still in but they turned the fluids off this morning, hoping that his appetite would pick up.  It's not anywhere close to normal, but he's picking up quickly enough that we don't think he'll turn around and get sicker. 

Last evening Jamie and I went home and Larry came and spent the night with Benjamin.  It felt good to get a good night's sleep in.  After getting Krissy on her bus this morning, I took Jamie to the college, went to the bookstore to check on some things the kids still needed, and went grocery shopping.   After a stop at home to get Anne up and see to some details there, I headed out to Clackamas Community College to pick up a book Jamie needed.  My mom came along for the ride, so it was nice to have that time together.   David drove out to Mt. Hood CC and picked up Jamie after she finished her biology lab and we all met back at home before Jamie headed back to the hospital for the 'changing of the guard' with Larry. 

We got Benjamin's antibiotic prescription early as it's a specialized compounded drug that is hard to get filled, particularly on the weekend.  It's much easier to get it here at the hospital, so I walked to the pharmacy a couple floors down and they'll have it ready.  When the nurse comes back in I'll tell her Benjamin just drank 5 oz. and seems very comfortable.  I won't let him down on the floor and he's getting antsy with the limited options (stroller, crib or window seat) so it's time to go. 

Thanks for your prayers~May your family enjoy this Easter Weekend~We have much to celebrate!  Janelle

PS:  The one non-hospital picture is from last Friday.....ahhhh memories :>)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Good Morning,

The night wasn't too bad...with all the IV fluids, he did soak his bed around 2:30 am.  So I put him in bed with Jamie while the nurse and I changed the bed (Jamie has no memory of this :o) He certainly looks better today because he's hydrated, but he's refused 4/4 offers to get him to take some oral fluids.  He just doesn't feel good enough yet, I don't think.  But he's not getting sicker so that's good....I think he just needs some time to turn this around.  

Thanks for praying...I'll let you know when there's news.
