Friday, October 22, 2010

With our weather still feeling like early September, it's hard to believe that November is just around the corner. We are all fine here...5 kids in 4 schools (sounds easier than it is to keep track of who goes where, when) continues to keep me on my toes. I'm still so enjoying my twice daily drives to Damascus where Anne is enjoying her school year.Kristin is out of school today (the 3rd Friday in a row....what's that about????) but she's happy to be home and is really making some great progress. She's communicating better with some appropriate conversations. We're so happy to see her level of relationship skills. She reminded me over and over yesterday that it was Grandma's birthday. I've notice how she often expresses herself with "Sorry, Mom" when she knows she's done something she shouldn't have.  She very much loves being at home and will often opt for that over an outing. She continues to be especially attached to Jamie and I. She enjoyed helping me blow up balloons for David's 19th birthday on Wednesday.

Larry's mom is planning to come down the first weekend of November for the kid's fall shows, so she opted for the first time in many years, not to come for her birthday. Larry left here yesterday morning and after picking up his sister, headed north for Port Orchard where they celebrated her birthday with her.  He should be back this afternoon.  So glad they could do that!I opted to keep Benjamin home from school today too. He seems a little off, so prayers are appreciated. I didn't want to risk him sharing any illness with another child or the staff at school.

As you know, I left Doernbecher about 17 months ago after my boss (and wonderful friend) had her position eliminated. I felt that more would be expected from me and this was a time that I felt our family needed me more. The decision has given me a lot of peace and even though I usually only went up for part of one day a week, I'm not sure how I'd work that into our situation now. However we were concerned about my nursing license that needs renewal every 2 years. Finally, I got ahold of the State Board of Nursing and explained our situation with 2 special needs kids and Benjamin being 'medically involved'. They told me that caring for him totally qualifies for my fact I can claim up to 16 hrs. per day for caring for him (and I only need to average 18 hrs/mo. to retain my RN license). That was such a relief. I didn't want to let it lapse, nor did I want to ever look at returning to school (refresher). But we just didn't see that it would work for me to go back to work right now. We are very thankful! It was funny....later the same week when our manager (for the programs thru the state that Benjamin and Krissy are a part of) was out, she asked if I'd be interested in working for them. She said I could basically pick up hrs while the kids are in school. It can be as small a caseload as I want...It's nursing delegation, meaning that I would visit other families with medically involved or medically fragile children and set up a care plan and assist in training their home care providers (catheters, vents, g-tubes, ostomy care, etc.) We'll see how that develops. I'm seeing/heeding the need to not say 'yes' to too many things. I was asked to speak to OHSU's medical students next week about having a child with chronic medical problems. I've done this 2 or 3 times before and I enjoy the opportunity...but it was Wednesday at 1pm....and it would take a lot of effort for me as our 2 little ones have early release on Wednesday. So I said, "call me again, but I think I better say no this time". That felt good :o)) Practice, Janelle, practice!

My mom is doing well and planning a trip to Montana in a couple weeks to celebrate my Aunt Margaret's 90th birthday. Dianne, Mindy and her daughter Aubrey are going too. I hate to miss it, but that's the weekend both of the shows open that our older kids are in. There's no way I can be gone.

We're beginning to work on some home projects that have needed doing for some time. We've lived here nearly 15 years, so things do wear out. It's fun to choose colors, carpet, etc....but wow....there are way too many options. Having been in Africa this summer, I think it really hits me in a fresh way. I'm hoping for more simplicity, less clutter in our home. And do you think we could keep the toys out of the living room and have it just be a calm peaceful place to go and 'be still'? Nah, I don't think so either. But maybe someday....Take care and catch us up on your news if we've not heard from you for a, Janelle 

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