Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So....the little boy got a reprieve today.  He woke up with a cold, so his procedure was postponed (Dec 28th!)  No starving him after all today.  I hope we can get a morning's much easier to just delay his first meal than to make him go so long during his awake time without anything. I was able to get to the doctor today myself.  I have had quite a horrible headache since Monday and thought it must be a sinus infection.  I can't just stop everything and crawl into bed, but I know when I'm lying on the stairs between the family room and the kitchen that I really don't feel well.  Monday was the worst, but still today, I just wasn't doing great.  Thankfully they had an 11 am spot and it's very close to home, so I went in.  He didn't buy the sinus theory, but said some of the same nerves innervate the sinuses that are involved with migraines and he really thought that's what I had.  So he gave me my first ever shot of Imitrex.  Said it's pretty diagnostic because it will only affect true other types of headaches.  And I am so much better.  I developed migraines during pregnancy and probably wasn't offered this medication because it's not used when you're pg.  However, I've continued to have problem headaches intermittently, so this is actually great news to find something that can send them packing so quickly.  I sound like an infomercial :o), but to get that relief without any loopy side effects is really nice.   I felt like it really helped before I even left his office, but then continued to improve the rest of the day.

Krissy did well at school today and didn't run even once!  We did some hip hip hooray's for her at the dinner table.  I heard from the district today that they have her scheduled to start at the new community school Jan 6th.  They said she would go to her current school the 4th and 5th, but we've decided we'll just keep her home those days.  Too many changes that week may throw her and I want this transition to be as smooth as possible.

We were very thankful today to have our sump pump replaced.  Larry just happened to notice last night that it was running erratically and with all the rain, we hated to risk yet another basement flood (the floor barely dried from last weeks, right?)  He set up a schedule before leaving for work.  Anne is our resident night owl, so she faithfully checked on the situation until about 3am.  I picked up the drill at 6 something until Larry got home.  He put a call out to our plumber and when he called back, he had a cancellation this afternoon and arrived about an hour later.... so no night watch duty tonight for anyone!  That last pump worked hard for over 9 years, so I think it was tired out. 

Hope your week is going well....Love, Janelle

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