Monday, October 26, 2009

Above, listening to Daddy's Ipod on the MAX... Krissy is ready for ODS this morning~

                                                          Hope she can stay warm and dry today.........

It's an extremely wet and blustery morning here in Gresham...what a day to send Kristin off to Outdoor School.  The bus was over an hour late to pick her up, so while I know it was unavoidable (I think alot of their drivers are out sick) it makes it hard on her to be all bundled up and standing by the door waiting and waiting.  Anyway, during the wait, it started raining buckets, so the benefit to that was my deciding I should give Krissy my rain parka.  It's totally waterproof, so if she can stay somewhat dry at least on top, she'll likely be able to stay warm.  I understand the 'field projects' don't stop for the weather, so the kids will be out in whatever weather happens today.  I'll drive out this evening after dinner to pick her up.

Yesterday afternoon we (Kristin, Jamie and I) went to the Rose Quarter to see Disney's Fantasy on Ice.  We had carefully prepared her...this wasn't the regular Disney on Ice, so no Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, etc.  The lights went down and first out on the ice...(drumroll) Mickey and Minnie followed by Goofy and Donald.  She probably won't believe us next time.  They also came out at the end of the show and their appearance was of course the highlight for her. Thankfully we have no crisis to report~

The project director for her room called this morning and is re-ordering wall and trim.  He cautiously asked what had happened since Saturday and was relieved I'm sure to hear that she's taken a break from her demolition project.

Enjoy your careful out there with all this rain on the roads (people who have been ER nurses feel compelled to give out unasked for saftey information :o)

Thankfully warm and cozy inside today,


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