Friday, October 16, 2009


Good Morning...As you can see, Krissy  has her red floor...she was quite insistent and consistent in that request and we're really happy with how it looks.  The scent and look of the current plywood up on the walls makes us wish that we could have put up pine....would have made it a cozy mountain cabin, but I'm sure it's going to be a beautiful room when it's done.  How did we sleep??? Um...I would have to say 'pretty well between 10pm and 3:46am' (Janelle speaking here...I'll address Larry's night momentarily) She then began her non stop chatter alternated with singing.  I think this went on pretty much 'til 5 or so, when she seemed to drop back to sleep until 6.  Somewhere along the line I realized Larry was NOT in bed.  He ended up deciding to stay downstairs because Benjamin has again become ill with what seems to be the same sort of illness that put him in the hospital twice last month.  Labs yesterday indicated him beginning to get dehydrated.  Thankfully our pediatrician ordered the needed antibiotic.  Unfortunately, Walgreens, being ever true to their predictable commitment to customer service, told me 3 hrs later that they wouldn't have time to prepare it until tomorrow (it's a compounded prescription and apparently takes about 45 minutes).  This was even with the plea that we were hoping to get this going in time to avoid a hospitalization.  I might as well have been talking to a machine.  I'm hoping to call Lloyd Center Pharmacy early this morning to see if they can do it for us before the estimated 11 am that Walgreens thought they might get to it.  (I am now done venting about Walgreens and would like to point out that my experience may be unique to the Portland area as I found the Walgreens in Ohio amazingly helpful)  Anyway Larry stayed downstairs with Benjamin who ended up sleeping well, though Larry's hearing is good enough that he was aware of Krissy being awake up with me., the floor seem gets welded first, followed by the walls/trim going up...It's going to be exciting.  They think it may be totally done today, and plan to have the door up tonight.  If they need to, they will return for the final touches in the morning.  We'll see, she may even be able to move back in this evening and disappointing as that would be for me not to have another slumber party tonight, I think I can adjust.   

Although I can't seem to arrange these in the way I'd like in the blog, here are some pictures of her 'home away from home'...her happily settled in after Daddy hauled her mattress up from the basement (I would have just put a blanket on the floor, but this was really special for her), giving him a kiss goodnight after bedtime prayer and then just before 11pm.  

Thanks for your prayers for Benjamin...we'll need to make a decision about hospitalization before too long if he isn't able to take enough fluids....prayers too that we can get his prescription soon today.  Thanks!


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