Friday, September 4, 2009

Benjamin Update

Happy Friday~ I know some of you are concerned and wondering how Benjamin is doing.  I'm so glad to report that he is doing remarkably better.  He's up to 1/2 strength formula now, still helping his electrolytes re-normalize with the pedialyte mixed in.  He isn't able to get thru the night, but either tylenol or a bottle will settle him back down.  Thanks for praying...he was a sick boy and is really thin, but we're seeing the sparkly look back in his eyes and he giggled over and over with me last night as we played with his musical workbench.

Krissy has done amazingly well transitioning from euphoria (Disneyland) to reality (home).  We brought her down slowly with a trip to Chuck E Cheese yesterday to celebrate (again) her birthday.  She was so much better than when we've gone in the past.

 A second good night's sleep is helping me feel like I'm getting back into the routine here as well.  She didn't settle down until after 2 am the last night we were in California and with long hot days on either side of that short night, I'm reminded I'm not as young as I used to be and it takes some time to recover from it all.  I really loved watching my girl have such a wonderful time and with the luxury of 5 days there, she was able to spend so much time greeting the characters (over and over and over) and going on her favorite rides (was it 10-14 times on that roller coaster in Toon Town our last day?)  In fact that particular ride got so familiar to her that as she left the starting gate on one lap, I saw her sckooch up to sitting on the back of the car with her feet where she was suppose to be sitting.  I don't know if any of you mothers have ever had a nightmare of your child climbing out of a moving roller coaster car, but let me tell you, it's not a whole lot better when it happens when you're awake.  Needless to say, I did NOT capture this on video as I was nearly ready to take off down the rails on foot...I was so afraid she might not be able to hang on with some of those tight turns.  She sailed triumphantly back into the station, I think feeling like she had accomplished something great.  Probably wondered why I quickly escorted her away for a serious talk. was a great trip for her and I'm so glad we went.  Thanks again to Jenny and Michelle Ziegler for their help.

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