Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Feeling Better....

...especially when my sister sings to me!  I'm not sure what I'd to without Jamie here to help me. She's been such a trooper and in some ways I feel like we've had a role reversal at times.    This morning Jamie asked me if I would like to take a shower before the team arrived for rounds :o) Great idea, and I'm sure given time, I might have come up with it by myself.  But seriously, I so appreciate her stepping in and being willing to do whatever she can to help Benjamin and me both.  I am pretty tired and just having so many physicians and others involved at this time requires me to start over and over and over telling either about the last 3 weeks of his illness (best case scenario) or occasionally summarizing his life.

The gastroenterologist came today and what a blessing that was in several ways.  First, I admittedly have not felt very trustful of that department here because the people I dealt with early on in Benjamin's life, just didn't seem to know very much about Hirschsprungs Disease.... I just felt like they really should have been able to do better for Benjamin than they did.  But that was way back then and God has brought along just the right people in the interim to provide care.  The pediatricians felt they should bring the GI team in today and I am so impressed.  I appreciated how this Dr. talked about how God created our body (how often does that happen?) And then, he described a particular illness that hits people who have had many abdominal surgeries where there is an overgrowth of bacteria (basically an infectious process) in the small bowel.  He described very much what Benjamin has gone through in the past several weeks and is confident enough that this is what we're dealing with that he went ahead and began treatment.  That was the next "yikes" moment for me.  This particular drug was tried when Benjamin was much younger.  It immediately caused horrible vomiting.  It was tried a second time with the same result, so understandably (right?) I wasn't too anxious to go for round 3.  However, since this is the treatment of choice, and it had been a number of years, I agreed to giving it a try....and, NO problem at all this time.  Go figure.  SO....I know I feel a sense of relief tonight that it seems like we're getting some answers.  I'll feel even more relieved if I can get more than 45 minutes of sleep in a row tonight.  We had a very nice nurse last night, but I'm not sure why she felt she needed to wake me up starting at 12:20 (I'm just going to check him over") and then continued to disturb him (and me) thru the night.  She found everything "SO AWESOME" from a normal temperature to a good blood pressure reading :o)))  I think some people are just born to work nights....that explains that degree of 'happy', which I felt a growing contrast with as the very long night went on....Thanks for praying for rest for all tonight~

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