Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So...you hear from me twice in one day~

I couldn't resist sharing this picture with you.  Mom and I were heading for the gym (really) but Jamie wanted to go to Borders, so Mom and I decided to go into Bed Bath & Beyond to check out the massage chair cushions (again....I did this several days ago).  Thirty minutes later we were quite relaxed and enjoying rotating thru the 3 different models.  We're a little short for them, so I had mosey'd on over to the bath towel section and snagged a few of those to give us a bit of elevation.  We sat and talked about how we could bring books and maybe have lunch delivered next time we do this :o)  Those back cushions have heat in them too....it was so nice!  I'm getting to answering your question of why Kristin appears to have a whisk in her hair...Right next to the massage chair display, there was a rack loaded with HEAD MASSAGERS.  So we tried it out and thought "This is nice".  It actually does resemble a wisk, except the end of the thing is open and the wires have something like teflon on them so they don't scratch your head.  Krissy likes it quite alot (can you tell?)  Jamie thought it was a little weird, Benjamin is definitely a no-go.  David thinks it's good.  All I have to do is pick it up off the table and make one step towards Anne and she is outta here.  I'm so excited, I told her that her new punishment will be 10 reps of the whisk.

 So if you don't live near a BB & B, and have decided after this infomercial that you need one, just let me know..only $3.99 plus s/h (actually no handling charge :o) 

Yes, we did finally make it to the gym and had our walk.  Just the little kids and me here now (Dad is sleeping upstairs) as the older 3 just headed out the door for CYT.

Have a nice evening~ Love, Janelle

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