Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Good Morning, 

All is well here...David seems to have fully recovered and is up in Washougal today for 2 performances for school field trips.   We're keeping Benjamin at home until after Thanksgiving break and then we'll see how he's doing.  We're often not quite sure where he is with pain levels because he can't tell us and he tends to just compensate somehow for it rather than fuss.  I've seen a difference in how he's toddling around the house and know he's guarding that tummy.

As you can see in the photo's, Krissy (we're now back to Krissy per her directive) was very focused this morning.  Note the layered look with her outfit.  I decided that if there is a persistent problem with her shedding clothing at school when she gets upset, I'll try and stay a step ahead with layering.  I want her to learn that this isn't appropriate, but I really think at some level she's recognized that when she's upset and does this, it also raises the level of emotion in the people around her (due to the level of inappropriateness!) in a way, that may be feeding her frenzy.  My thinking is that while we work on getting her to express herself in more acceptable ways,  we can have her fully dressed under the top layer that may come off...then no one gets excited and the situation can be handled calmly...and hopefully will become much less 'rewarding' for her.  "Logical' thinking doesn't always pan out the way I'm hoping, so watch this space...

Hard to believe, but I have a pretty clear calendar today, so having gotten Jamie out to the college this morning, David & Krissy gone for most of the day and Larry sleeping, Benjamin, Anne and I are going to just enjoy a day inside, hopefully getting some things caught up before another busy weekend.  Larry tells me a big storm is coming in (I assume and hope he's talking about the weather), so button down the hatches and hold on to your hats...

Remembering much to be thankful for, Janelle

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