Monday, November 30, 2009

I think our day is ending better than it started...As I've said more than once today, Benjamin must have heard that we were sending him back to school today.   That was our plan...until about 2 am when I woke up to him moaning.  I wasn't sure what was wrong but got him changed and gave him tylenol and a bottle and layed down on the sofa next to his crib.  He was back to sleep around 4 am, me about 4:45.  I shut off the alarm at 6am and after calling to cancel his bus, I fell back to sleep.  I awakened at 8:36 (Krissy's bus is due at 8:45) and realized YIKES.  So....Larry arrived home at the same time the bus arrived, so we sent them on their way, saying we'd bring her to school later.  Meanwhile Benjamin had started vomiting and obviously was sick.  I put in a call to the surgeons office and was given an appt. time.  I ran Krissy to school and told her NO RUNNING and NO SCREAMING today at school...and if she obeyed, there would be a good present for her on the table when she came home (more on this topic later)

I had asked if we could get an xray prior to seeing the Dr. and they said they would order it. We ended up waiting and waiting in Radiology....they said they didn't have the order, etc. Benjamin had a toy that he likes a lot and kept pushing the same button over and over and I parked quite close to the check in desk and found that to be an effective maneuver in speeding up the process of locating the aforementioned order in the fax machine.  Wish I had thought of it 30 minutes earlier.  After getting the films, we headed up to the clinic where the decision was quickly made to admit him to the hospital, get an IV started and a general anesthesia arranged for this afternoon for the surgeon to examine him while he was asleep.  All of that happened pretty fast.  I was able to stay with him while he was put under before they had me leave.  I used the time while waiting to listen to voicemail... that's when I learned in a message from Kristin's teacher that she had escaped from the school this afternoon.  She was telling the story chronologically, so we got to the part about them calling 911 and I'm thinking "I sure hope this message has a happy ending".  She went on to say that they caught up with her (I think) in a storage building and she walked back into the which point they cancelled the police who had not yet arrived.  Whew.  The next message was Jim Seymour, our friend who is a Gresham Police officer and was one of them responding to the call today.  He wanted me to know that she was safe and  had apparently had a change of heart about escaping (or was she remembering the present on the table at home??) and returned to the school.  So nice of him to call too.  I know God gives us enough grace for each day, but if I had heard this news before they caught up with her it would have been really hard, so we're so thankful for a safe outcome.  Larry and I have prayed and really feel like we're at a crossroad with Krissy where we probably need to pursue looking at some sort of medication.  We so don't want to 'drug her' as it's diminished her ability to learn and her quality of life in the past when she had them...however, her behavior is becoming more difficult to manage and her safety so difficult to protect, we need to do something.  SO pray that either things will really turn around for her or that we'll find a medication that will really work well for her with minimal side effects.  We very much want to be able to keep her in our home and in her current school situation. We really like the school and appreciate the staff so much, it would be such a loss for Krissy and us to have to move her to a different school.  

Back to Benjamin...the surgeon called me a few minutes ago and said he was able to talk with our surgeon in Cincinnati this evening.  They are in agreement about a plan of doing a procedure tomorow, again under anesthesia to try and buy us some time before an actual operation is done.  They are thinking of that being in 3-4 weeks and leave the decision to us of whether to do that here or in Cincinnati.  I think I'd like to put off this decision to another day.But for now, the little boy seems to be feeling better and I'm hopeful that once they do what needs to be done, we can get home. 

My mom and I have tickets to go to Montana by train Wednesday night.  My Aunt Margaret and Uncle Irvin have graciously decided to give Larry and I their 2005 Subaru (they got a new one this weekend).  This is such a blessing for us.  Our Oldsmobile, though we all really like it is a Senior Citizen with nearly 200,000 miles on it.  The Subaru is AWD so will be great if we have bad weather and Larry won't have to park at the bottom of the hill and walk up to work if it's snowy or icy.  Mom and I (should we go) would arrive in Whitefish on Thursday morning.  If we've had some sleep on the train overnight, we will probably visit with family that day, and then after dinner, take off for home,hopefully getting over to Sandpoint, Id or even Spokane to spend the night.  I'm not very good at long periods of driving without getting pretty sleepy, so to break it up would be nice.  However, if we feel like we need to get a good sleep in, we'll try and leave about 5am on Friday and get back before Larry needs to leave for work that night.  The girls also have a show that evening. They had 4 this weekend and they went well. 

So, there are's our update and things you can pray for...Love to you, Janelle

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