Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Rainy Friday...Thankfully the high winds from the coast have slowed down before moving inland, so at least so far, the storm is mostly non-stop rain.  Kristin had her Harvest Feast scheduled at school today...she was able to invite someone from school and someone from home to come (she chose Mommy :o).  It was an amazing meal.  Apparently teacher Jorie and her husband arrived at 5:30 this morning and put the turkeys in the oven.  The kids helped with the preparation...can you imagine trying to fix Thanksgiving dinner with  10 or 12 developmentally disabled middle schoolers helping you??????  They deserve a medal!  And it was not a short-cut sort of was an amazing meal with many special dishes.  Krissy had decorated little flower pots with our names on them, filled with candy.  

I had an appointment with the surgeon over at the Children's Hospital at 10am and had arranged for Larry to meet me at the school at 11:30...that way he could take Benamin on home and I could join Krissy.  Well, my appointment was lengthy (very helpful, but long) and then we were briefly stuck in an elevator in the parking garage.  Seemed like it was time for personal introductions with the other occupant (a middle age man) as well as my sharing that I had one can of formula for the 3 of us....that was about when the elevator decided to let us out.  I called Larry and asked him to go get started with Krissy and I'd call him when we arrived.  Apparently Krissy knew she had invited me and she would not eat until I arrived.  Larry asked her to name 5 things she was thankful for...she held up 2 fingers and said "Two. Mickey Mouse and Mama".  Sniff....How sweet is that???????  She had a new dress for the occasion this morning and even wore tights without complaining.  Wish I had taken her picture....I don't think the dress looked quite the same after the feast. 

In an hour and a half I'll be leaving again for the evening.  The girls need to be dropped off at their rehearsal and then David and I are headed up to Washougal for his evening performance. Uncle Ray, Aunt Linda, Grandma & Bill are coming tonight so that will be great to see them.  They were so great about rescheduling...they had tickets last weekend but then David was  sick.  Larry returns to a 6 night work stretch tonight.  I have had an Aunt hospitalized this week in Salt Lake City as well as an Uncle in Kalispell, so lots of medical challenges in the extended family as well. 

Next week will be 'different' with all of the kids out of school for the whole week.  We're planning to be at my sister Mindy's house for Thanksgiving dinner Thursday evening after Larry gets up.  Once we get thru the girls 2 weekends of shows, Mom and I are planning to fly to Sacramento for several days to spend time with my cousin Steve and his wife Julie.  Many of you know Julie has cancer and continues to undergo chemotherapy.  Recent testing showed that the therapy is continuing to work, so we're so thankful that she's tolerating it so well.  Remember them in your prayers as this certainly is a difficult journey, but one where they continue to shine brightly in their continued trust in God's grace for each day.  

Have a great weekend. news is good news :o))

Love Janelle

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