Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well, it's been a few days since I's not that things have been that quiet here.  We would appreciate your prayers.  Kristin is in one of her cycles again where she is particularly difficult and destructive.  You can tell she has alot of anxiety going on, though we aren't sure really of the reasons.  I think it's likely hormonal, in which case maybe she'll be better in a few days. I hope so.  A number of things have been broken the last few days including some further damage to her new room.  She's also been a problem on the bus.  On Monday the driver was quite upset.  Kris had not only tossed her backpack thru the air while the bus was moving, but Barney apparently connected with the driver's head when she threw him (Barney, not the driver) too.  I don't think she probably was intentionally trying to hit Kelley, more just that he was in the flight path.  I had a call this afternoon that she got out of control on the am bus today, screaming and trying to open the rear emergency door.  This bus has a 60 something year old driver with cancer.  I've been worried about both her and the afternoon driver, a very nice man, but definitely not someone who I believe has adequate trouble shooting skills to take Krissy on when it's a bad day.  Anyway, she again was agitated when it was time to come home, so her teacher decided to ride along with her to make sure she was safe.  Thank you Jorie....we really appreciate that.  We're hoping that the school district will see fit to put a chaperone on the bus with her routinely to insure her safety. 

Thanks too for remembering Benjamin.  He's been out of school over 3 weeks now, the last 2 he's been totally fine, but we have kept him out to let him get his immunity in place against H1N1.  Finally I was going to send him back on Wednesday...and then he just had a restless night on Tuesday, so I decided "I'll keep him home one more day".  By the end of the day he was gagging again and declining fluids...much the same as the illness that has recurred since August.  He's clearly sick, so I called our pediatrician's office right away this morning and thankfully even though our Dr. was out, his colleague agreed to phone out the antibiotic that's needed.  I found a nice pharmacy that was so accommodating in making it up so he's already had his first dose.  We're hopeful we can avoid a hospitalization again.  I also spoke with the GI department at Doernbecher and we're working on getting him scheduled for some testing to see if there is something that needs to be done to keep this from recurring so frequently. Poor little boy.

On a happier note, David passed his drivers license test this morning with a 90%, so he was pleased.  He's busy, both with college work and moving into the theater this weekend.  The show he's in opens a week from tomorrow night.

Ok...I think I'm tired now...Larry took an extra shift last night, so that means he just has one night off now before going back for 6 in a row.  

Hope you are well, staying well or getting well~ Love janelle

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